Archive for the ‘brown trout’ Category

Field & Stream Trout Guide Survey

Thursday, February 25th, 2016

Field & Stream recently posted a trout guide survey asking opinions on trout gear and techniques. It said the survey was given to the top guides from across the country, so I don’t know how I slipped in there.

Click here to bounce over to the article.

Big brown trout from the Pere Marquette River.

Post from the Past

Friday, August 21st, 2015

Michigan Mousing, originally posted August 8, 2011.

Went a little crazy with this one, but rowing down the river in complete darkness throwing mammal flies is a little crazy too.


Michigan Mousing from Third Coast Fly on Vimeo.

Live Mousing

Tuesday, April 28th, 2015

Everyone who’s moused knows that there are a lot of splashy hits that amount to nothing more than a second of excitement and the questions of what monster trout you didn’t just catch. Our buddy Ian from FlyMasters and Warmwater Chronicles recently videoed a mouse swimming across the Barothy Lodge trout pond.

As you can see they don’t eat real mice any better than fakes.

monster brown on the swing

Saturday, March 22nd, 2014

Steve hit the lower river last week, just after the ice broke up. Possibly because they were one of the first boats through that stretch in months but they had an awesome day, landing many, many steelhead and a 31″ brown.

While Steve has landed many larger browns trolling in the big lake and on lures in the river, this is his personal best on a fly and better yet it came on a streamer.

Steve says the streamer was copied from a friend, Greg Senyo. The fly is called Artificial Intelligence and was in Green Goblin color. Steve says the Artificial Intelligence has become a favorite  steelhead streamer.

Steve wanted me to also pass along that he has fallen in love with the Cortland, Compact Switch saying, “It’s the only line I’ll use for swinging.”
