It doesn’t seem possible but there is nothing to really update from the past two weeks fishing reports. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending how you look at the world, the fishing is maintaining at an OK level. There are enough salmon to find a few each day but often no more.
Rumor has it that there is a wall of warm water setting off Ludington, this has happened in the past and always delays the run.
The water levels in the river are pretty low and the river is running clear, especially upstream. Maybe some rain this weekend will help with both water conditions and salmon migration.
Tip: I really don’t have a top fly to recommend this week but can say that on a couple of the days with clear water and bright sun it came down to a dead drift versus any with a swing. When the bite turned off and we want to floating lines and a dead drift instead of a chuck-n-duck rig, we were able to get things going again.