BadAx Carp T’s

Jonathan Marquardt of BadAx Design created our 2012 Indigo Guide Service/Third Coast Fly/Beaver Island shirt and they are really cool.  Below is our friend Matt in his new Beaver T and then a picture of Jonathan’s original sketch.

You can also check out Jonathan’s FaceBook page.

From Jonathan:  When Kevin and I met in Illinois at a fishing show we discussed doing a collaboration project for his outfit.  Once I learned more about the carp fishing and Beaver Island I decided to really focus on the fish itself.  The design is carved by hand from a linoleum covered wood block.  I actually sketched this image out when I was in Minnesota at another show and someone commented that I should have a carp design.  When I got back to my studio, I laid the image out onto a block, carved it in and sent it off to Kevin for approval. The Beaver Island shirt is the result.

If your interested in a shirt, please contact Jonathan (jtmarq AT

Fly fishing for carp and smallmouth bass.Fly fishing for carp.

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