Still decent numbers of kings around in the middle river but they’re definitely thinning out. Cohos are still around in spots but they too are thinning out. But we got a great push of steelhead over the past several days with the high water and the steelhead fishing has been great. We’ve been fishing mainly 8 and 10mm trout beads in orange (not sure the exact color) and in one of Steve’s custom painted “dead egg” schemes and the steelhead have been taking them on the first or second good drift.
The river came up pretty high and peaked Saturday night/Sunday morning at some point at nearly 900cfs at Scottville, but it never did get muddy, just a nice stain. Though we received more rain last night so we’ll see how things shape up over the next couple days. We should continue getting a good push of steelhead while the river remains high.
We’ve hooked many steelhead over the last several days but have only landed a few. Water temps are still pretty warm for this time of year and the fish are hot and hard to handle. So we haven’t got too many good pictures, but here’s a good one Kevin took of a chunky fish last Friday.