We’ve been out throwing Thundersticks in the lower river over the past few weeks for king salmon. Sure, we’ve made the occasional foray into the middle river to target fish around the gravels with flies, but even then we always probe the dark water, throwing hardware, waiting for the big rip.
Kings hate Thundersticks in a good way. They hate them so much they just can’t help but kill them. A fresh, or even not so fresh king, takes a Thunderstick with serious aggression and is one of the most exhilarating things to experience with rod and reel.
So don’t dunk skein. Please stop fly snagging in Sycamore Hole. Just throw Thundersticks.
Steve sends along some pictures from the past week of his Thundersticken’ exploits with Jason, Cameron, Scott, Denis, Brian and Wayne. Living large in West Michigan. Remember, you can always click on any image for a bigger version.