Fishing on the Beaver Islands has been good this summer despite the cool turbulent weather. Each day we watch the weather forecast flip-flop, clouds quickly come and go with the wind circling the compass. We dream of steady sun and a consistent wind, allowing the carp to build in numbers, warm up and become happy and hungry.
Our guess is that it is the miles of flooded vegetation that are turning poor weather into good fishing. The carp love the weeds and if you look hard enough you can almost always find then, even on a cool rainy day.
Water temps are in the high 50’s with the shallows on a sunny day hitting the 70’s. With shallower fish, our flies have dropped down to the 2-3 inch range and a bit lighter than we often throw — weighted with med lead eyes versus large. My best color has been black but purple might be making a run for the top choice.