While some lucky blaggers were recently whisked away to the Bahamas to chase bonefish, this lucky blagger got to go to Traverse City with Steve and Kevin for a shakedown carp trip. Kevin and Steve move to Beaver Island, a bit farther up Lake Michigan from Traverse City, for two months starting at the beginning of June to guide for carp on the flats. If you’re interested, there are still some spots left for this summer.
While Beaver Island is a truly incredible place to fish, Grand Traverse Bay isn’t exactly a second class substitute. Like Beaver Island, the flats are expansive and shine turquoise and aquamarine in the sun. You can see the bottom in thirty feet of water and herds of twenty pound carp cruise the shallows looking for a meal.
While water temps in the mid 40s are still a bit on the cold side, master ninja flats stalker Steve managed two nice fish.
Click on the images to enlarge.
Sorry about the funky posting. We’ll be back to regularly scheduled programming on Thursday.