
We tend to follow the Iditarod a little closer than most because our very own Kevin Morlock finished the race in 2007. Kevin and his wife Joan also snowmobiled the trail following a friend that was racing in 2005. Below are some of Kevin’s favorite pictures from the trail.

John Baker of Kotzebue Alaska won the race yesterday. Baker was the the first native Alaskan to to win the Iditarod since 1976. Baker also set a new record for the race, covering the almost 1,000 mile course in 8 days, 18 hours, 46 minutes and 39 seconds. The first picture below is from a night on the town following the 2005 race, including from left to right, the 2011 winner John Baker, Louis Nelson, Joan Morlock, Gregg Hickmann and Kevin Morlock. The last picture is one of Kevin skijoring down Barothy Road a couple months ago. Kevin says that he can’t believe he could handle 16 powerful race dogs a few years ago because now he struggles with two lazy house pets.

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