News Update Friday

  • Gracie gets some Chum-love after his announcement that he will be competing for a second year in the Teva Mountain Games.  Gracie says: “I am fully prepared to irritate other competitors and generally mock both the seriousness of the event and the tranquil nature which surrounds the entire genre of fly fishing.”  He punched me in the nose once, right after he wasn’t quick enough with the net and I lost a 10lb brown on the Dream Stream.
  • Maybe you read this article in the Grand Rapids Press the other day about the distribution of new gear restrictions on Michigan cold water rivers and streams?  Maybe you saw it on Midcurrent?  Well, we at Third Coast Fly have been involved behind the scenes working on this issue for some time now and will have much more on this topic in the near future.  For now, it should suffice to say that the aforementioned article did not disclose all of the details.
  • Speaking of new regulations, here is a great story from the Oregon Fly Fishing Blog about the impacts of new regulations on the Metolius River in Oregon that protected wild fish.

There were supposed to be pictures of a nice pike and a 4lb smallmouth today, but somebody never sent them to me.  Maybe on Monday.  Hopefully on Monday.  Not that News Update Friday won’t be an enduring and endearing addition to our blarg.

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